Wherein the IngentaConnect Product Management, Engineering, and Sales Teams
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Ingentaconnect goes mobile.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Even in these leaner times the focus of technology is often bigger, better, faster more, but sometimes small is beautiful, and in the case of mobile internet, jolly convenient too. That’s why I’m pleased to say that ingentaconnect is making preparations to go mobile.

We’ve been putting together a proof of concept to see how connect would look on a mobile device, and explore the benefits it could bring. What we learn here on connect will be rolled into our high end publishing platform - pub2web.

It’s been a fascinating experience with a steep learning curve. I suddenly realise that conventional browser compatibility woes are nothing compared to the differences in the way mobile platforms render their content. The variations are as fascinating as they are frustrating: countless screen sizes and resolutions, CSS may not be understood, or just partially understood, javascript? maybe, if the wind is in the right direction. Of course mobile doesn’t just mean phones, it includes PDAs too, including those running windows CE, replete with the ‘niggles’ of IE5 and 6.

As it happened we didn’t need to wade too deeply into the intricacies of handset compatibility, we drew upon the expertise of Momac, specialists in mobile publishing. Their platform, GoMedia, is capable of tailoring content to just about any mobile device you care to connect with. Take a look at the screen shot, or rather device shot, to see connect mobile in action.

Oh, and while I’m here, I’d like to take this opportunity to ask for some audience participation: if you use connect, or similar sites, and can think of a mobile feature that you’d like to see, I’d love to hear! Just pop your idea in the comments field or mail us.

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posted by John Clapham at 9:27 pm


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