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Does your "Boy Scout Handbook" look as though it has been read by a grizzly bear?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Does your 'Boy Scout Handbook' look as though it has been read by a grizzly bear? ... It's easy to repair paperback books using Japanese bookbinding techniques..." - according to : Bind It Fast.

It's less easy if they are electronic though...

I've spent the last several days wrestling with a grim data munging task.. loading Books into the MetaStore.

Previously, we've modelled Books as a funny kind of Journal. In the new triplestore, Books will be...well, BOOKS. This means we need to un-journal them.

I think I may need to backtrack at this point...:

Journals tend follow a regular structural pattern: Journal->Issues->Articles. In the triplestore, we've got RFDS classes for Journal, Issue, Article, and loading usually involves creating a bunch of these (along with associated extras like Authors) and using simple but sturdy prism:isPartOfs to hook them together.

Here's an example Article:

<rdf:RDF xml:base="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/" xmlns:branding="http://metastore.ingenta.com/ns/branding/" .. bla, bla, namespace:bla ">
<struct:Article rdf:about="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/articles/6094">
<dc:title><xhtml:spanxml:lang="en">Skeletal Muscle Hypoperfusion During Recovery from Maximal Supine Bicycle Exercise in Patients With Heart Failure</xhtml:span>
<branding:tocSubHeading>Short Communications</branding:tocSubHeading>
<dc:description>(the abstract)</dc:description>
<dc:identifier rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/00029149/v78n7/p841"/>
<foaf:maker rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/authors/15832"/>
<foaf:maker rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/authors/10786"/>
<struct:Issue rdf:about="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/parts/396">
<struct:Journal rdf:about="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/titles/1885">
(etc.. journal properties)
<prism:isPartOf rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/pubs/84"/>

Note the isPartOfs? Articles are part of Issues; Issues are part of Journals. Article->Issue->Journal. That's the general structure of things. Great. Loading program sorted. I'm off for a long lunch.

...except, what with all my claims about flexibility, people are now expecting me to put *other* stuff like books in the store - the cheek!

The problem with books is that they refuse to follow the journal hierarchy model. The Grapes of Wrath doesn't have "Issues" or "Articles" - it's a book, damnit! It does have Chapters - but not in a very interesting way, metadata-wise. Something like New Essays on the Rationalists has Chapters in a stronger sense - each has its own authors...maybe this kind of Chapter is an Article?...hooray, things are looking up... but damn, where are the "Issues"?

So, the final model is complex. A book can have parts (chapters), or no parts, or even, (say it's an encyclopedia with volumes,) can have parts which themselves have parts. Here are some examples:

1. A monolithic "noparts" book:
<struct:Book rdf:about="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/titles/12980">
<struct:partHierarchy rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/parthierarchy/nopart"/>
<branding:tocSubHeading>Rethinking the EU Regulatory Strategy for the Internal Energy Market</branding:tocSubHeading>
<prism:isPartOf rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/pubs/283"/>
<dc:description>(the abstract)</dc:description>
<dc:title><xhtml:span xml:lang="en">Rethinking the EU Regulatory Strategy for the Internal Energy Market</xhtml:span>
<foaf:maker rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/authors/6919970"/>
<foaf:maker rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/authors/6919969"/>

2. A "onepart" book, with chapters:
<struct:Chapter rdf:about="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/articles/3562204">
<dc:description>(the abstract)</dc:description>
<dc:title><xhtml:span xml:lang="en">1. The Colonial Legacy</xhtml:span></dc:title>
<foaf:maker rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/authors/6920869"/>
<struct:Book rdf:about="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/titles/13834">
<struct:partHierarchy rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/parthierarchy/onepart"/>

3. A "twopart" book :
<struct:Chapter rdf:about="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/articles/3559033">
<dc:title><xhtml:spanxml:lang="en">Self-Organization of Colloidal Nanoparticles</xhtml:span></dc:title>
<foaf:maker rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/authors/6919913"/>
<foaf:maker rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/authors/6919912"/>
<struct:BookPart rdf:about="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/parts/259254">
<struct:Book rdf:about="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/titles/12957">
<dc:title><xhtml:span xml:lang="en">Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology</xhtml:span></dc:title>
<struct:partHierarchy rdf:resource="http://metastore.ingenta.com/content/parthierarchy/twopart"/>

The book repair job has been grim and munggy. Still, a few more shoehorns have been binned.

I feel cleansed.

posted by Katie Portwin at 10:19 am


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